lilac shrieks and scarlet bellowings

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

About This 'Blog

Hi there, I'm Beth.

I take my title from an e. e. cummings poem:

my mind is
a big hunk of irrevocable nothing which touch and
taste and smell and hearing and sight keep hitting and
chipping with sharp fatal tools
in an agony of sensual chisels i perform squirms of
chrome and execute strides of cobalt
nevertheless i
feel that i cleverly am being altered that i slightly am
becoming something a little different, in fact
Hereupon helpless i utter lilac shrieks and scarlet

I hope to offer you, dear traveller, insight into my mind and into my person -- not because you care, though, if you do, I smile -- but out of a desire to perhaps inspire you to find insight into your own. I believe that the deeper we delve into ourselves -- be it emotionally, intellectually, psychologically, physiologically, neurochemically, sexually, and so forth -- the better equipped we are to discover the most universal truths.

And our interconnectivity is becoming more and more apparent as we step through each and every infinitely rich moment of this existence -- acheiving understanding, then (well, now!), is imperative.